Young Professionals Update

CBMC Young Professionals (YP) is a peer advisory group made up of men ages 25-40 for the purpose of accelerating their personal, professional, and spiritual growth. In YP teams, younger men learn from each other and hear from experienced business professionals how to integrate their work and faith. CBMC Maryland and Central PA jointly provide the monthly YP meetings by Zoom.

Ken Wirtz serves as the YP team leader, and provides his observations on the benefits he has seen in the YP meetings:
1. Fostering Relationships with other men in their unique marketplace. Ken says that the Zoom meeting format provides a lower threshold to introduce new members to the YP team. We all need community, and these teams allow men a safe place to share struggles, both personally and professionally.
2. Hearing the life stories from a SAGE (Seasoned Action oriented Godly Executive). Ken says most speakers connect directly with one or more of the YPs that attend. Life lessons are especially helpful as they apply to future situations the YP may encounter. Some of the most useful input comes from their answer to the question: “What advice would I give to my younger self?”
3. Discipleship growth. The YP leaders and SAGE speakers display role models for living for Christ in the marketplace. The Team also offers “meet-up” opportunities for one-on-one discipleship. Next year Ken is planning to expand in-person Team activities by including the YPs and their wives in several locations in our area on a quarterly schedule.
If you are 25 to 40 years old and want to be encouraged in your role as a Marketplace Ambassador please contact Ken Wirtz. YP Zoom meetings are on the first Thursday each month at 6:30 AM. Learn more at:
We need your support to expand our impact!
If you share our concern with the state of men—especially young men—would you please consider become a regular financial donor to CBMC? Only the gospel of Jesus Christ provides the faith, hope and love that men need. Please help us to reach the next generation of men with the gospel and equip them to carry out the Great Commission in the marketplace!