CBMC Trusted Advisor Forum (TAF) is a vital CBMC ministry for business owners and senior executives who desire to intentionally grow their companies according to biblical principles,  TAF offers a unique environment where a small group of non-competing Christian businessmen meet monthly with a trained facilitator to develop as Christian business owners/stewards.

Trusted Advisor Forums provide an environment of confidentiality, trust, friendship, mutual support, and accountability… like having your own personal board of advisors. CBMC Maryland has TAFs in Hunt Valley, Bel Air and Crofton. The Hunt Valley TAF meets at Kelly Benefits in Sparks MD. The new TAF in Crofton meets at IR.Tools, hosted by its president, Tom Boyer. Many TAF members also speak to CBMC Young Professional’s to share their career experience and life lessons.

We welcome conversations with you about how to expand this ministry to business owners and senior leaders in other areas in Maryland. For more information, please visit https://md.cbmc.com/md-trustedadvisors

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