Metro North Outreach with Matt Tyner

Matt Tyner, Towson University Head Baseball Coach shared a powerful faith and life story with 48 men on November 10, 2023 at Kelly Benefits Headquarters. 

Matt was very transparent about his life struggles and how Jesus saved his life and restored his marriage. The impact of his story and the Holy Spirit led 12 men to recommit their lives to Christ at this breakfast.  There were also several men more interested in CBMC and expressed interest in connecting with the Young Professionals, Trusted Advisor Forums and our weekly Connect 3 Teams. 

We will be following up to offer Operation Timothy to anyone open to meeting one on one with one of our experienced members to explore what the bible has to say about living out their faith daily.

Please click on the pictures above to watch the recordings. You may also discover these and other powerful talks on the CBMC Maryland YouTube channel:

We need your support to expand our impact!

If you share our concern with the state of men—especially young men—would you please consider become a regular financial donor to CBMC? Only the gospel of Jesus Christ provides the faith, hope and love that men need. Please help us to reach the next generation of men with the gospel and equip them to carry out the Great Commission in the marketplace!

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