CBMC Partnership Event - Greater Washington County Leadership Prayer Breakfast

The Greater Washington County Leadership Prayer Breakfast was held on Thursday, September 21, 2023. This event brought together leaders from all walks of life to unite in prayer and seek guidance for the Hagerstown community. The event host, former State Senator Andrew Serafini, arranged to hold the event in the newly remodeled Maryland Theater in Hagerstown.
Yakabod company founder Scott Ryser shared his story about growing up going to church every week, but never knowing God. When Scott finally gave his life to Jesus in 1995, he knew he was deciding about his Tuesday, not just his Sunday. Scott shared life lessons from his book, At Work as in Heaven. Please watch Scott’s story on his journey to work WITH God instead of working for himself at: https://www.youtube.com/@cbmcmaryland
We need your support to expand our impact!
If you share our concern with the state of men—especially young men—would you please consider become a regular financial donor to CBMC? Only the gospel of Jesus Christ provides the faith, hope and love that men need. Please help us to reach the next generation of men with the gospel and equip them to carry out the Great Commission in the marketplace!