CBMC Maryland Men’s Discipleship Conference
The CBMC Fall Discipleship Conference provided real life examples on the cost and rewards of pursuing intentional discipleship relationships. Attendees learned how CBMC’s tools like Operation Timothy and our relational team-based approach equip men to become an effective marketplace ambassador (2 Cor. 5:20).
This in-person conference was held at The Church at Severn Run, Severn, MD. Although our expected keynote speaker, Chris Simpson, President of CBMC International, was unable to attend due to a family health emergency, the Lord blessed us with several excellent speakers and powerful messages:
Pastor Chuck Brooks, CBMC Field Associate & Baltimore Bible Church
Chuck shared his personal testimony of how God helped him and his family deal with a tragedy that no one should have to bear and be a witness to the power of the gospel. Chuck’s story gave us a powerful reminder of how God uses our trials to builds up our faith (Rom. 5:3-5) and provide comfort others in similar situations (2 Cor. 1:3-11).
Vaughn Thurman, CEO HighGear, Inc.

Vaughn is the Founder and CEO of HighGear. He is not only a seasoned entrepreneur, but also the author of two books on faith and discipleship. His message of how God’s grace met him in the midst of a business crisis encouraged many of the attendees to consider moving forward to become a disciple-maker. Following Jesus is costly but rewarding!
Mark Hofert, CBMC
Mark Hofert was introduced to CBMC and Operation Timothy early in his working career with IBM. Since then he has served the Lord by discipling men and as the Area Leader for the CBMC Triangle Area of North Carolina. Mark has been the primary developer of content for CBMC's online discipleship platform, available at: advance.cbmc.com.
Watch these talks online!
Please click on the pictures above to watch the recordings. You may also discover these and other powerful talks on the CBMC Maryland YouTube channel: youtube.com/@cbmcmaryland.
We need your support to expand our impact!
If you share our concern with the state of men—especially young men—would you please consider become a regular financial donor to CBMC? Only the gospel of Jesus Christ provides the faith, hope and love that men need. Please help us to reach the next generation of men with the gospel and equip them to carry out the Great Commission in the marketplace!