Carroll County Christian Men's Prayer Breakfast

The Carroll County Christian Men’s Prayer Breakfast was held on Saturday, October 7, 2023.  The Chairman of the Prayer Breakfast Planning Team was our CBMC Westminster Connect3 Team Leader, Al Whitestone.

The prayer breakfast was a partnership event with leaders of several men’s ministries in Carroll County. CBMC has been a part of this prayer breakfast for over 15 of the last 27 years. This event hosted 250 men from all areas of Carroll County. 

Our keynote speaker was Coach Lou Holtz and former NFL player and Holtz’s Heroes Executive Director, Reggie Brooks. They delivered a powerful message about applying biblical values for team building, and even more important, personal testimonies of Christ changing lives.

The Gospel was clearly presented with a challenge to receive Christ and follow Him.  We have a follow up team contacting the men who responded to the challenge to surrender their lives to Jesus.  The planning team is already reforming to work on expanding the impact of the next breakfast in 2024.

We need your support to expand our impact!

If you share our concern with the state of men—especially young men—would you please consider become a regular financial donor to CBMC? Only the gospel of Jesus Christ provides the faith, hope and love that men need. Please help us to reach the next generation of men with the gospel and equip them to carry out the Great Commission in the marketplace!

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